Africa Environmental Health Organization

CategoriesClimate Change Hygiene Sanitation Sanitization

Webinar Conference on Globalization and Environmental Health Services

AFREHO wishes to invite you to a Webinar Conference on Globalization and Environmental Health Services: What Practitioners Should Know. The aim is to prepare practitioners with fundamental information, skills, and knowledge needed in the current Environmental Health Services programme. Part of what we shall discuss includes the Commercialization and Digitalization of Environmental Health Services. The […]

CategoriesClimate Change Food & Health Hygiene Pollution Sanitation


Able Sanitarian, Meat Hygiene is fundamental to public health promotion and people wellbeing. We need to keep our food animals safe and protected from eating or consuming substances that are inimical to humanity. It is important we promote different models and approaches viz-a-viz Health Education and Regulatory Approach to curb this societal health problems that […]